Monday, January 27, 2014

Capstone Project Statement of Intent

a) Identify the goals of the project. 

     The goal of my capstone project is to alleviate fear and answer questions that women have about childbirth.

b) Why is it important and why should we care? 

    It is important because the health of you and your baby is at jeopardy. Some women get C-sections instead of going through natural childbirth because of their fears.

c) How do these goals fit with your career objectives? 

    I want to become a Infertility Specialist, it helps to understand the fears some of my future patients have about the childbirth process.

d) How does your project give back to society? 

It helps the society get educated on childbirth.

e) Address the Richland triple bottom line. 
My project only addresses one of the three things Richland's triple bottom line discusses about. My project talks about social equity.